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Writer's pictureAnja

What if I'm a Christian starting college?

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what Campus Ministry you choose because everyone is different, and has different preferences. Try them all and see which ones you most connect with! Don’t forget your main goal should be to grow your faith.

Here is a quick list of 4 Christian Campus Organizations you may want to check out!

1. InterVarsity

Bible Studies

At my college, InterVarsity (or IV for short) was smaller because Campus Crusade (or CRU for short) was a more established and more staffed club. The bible studies, however, are very good because they are reflective and in-depth.


If you love to travel, IV is for you. IV offers many retreats on various topics in various cities across the country. Plan on saving up extra money if you want to go! It’s a great investment in your faith. I once went to a retreat where the theme was rest, and I DO NOT regret it one bit! I got a lot of rest that weekend. *Zzzzzzzzzzz*

2. Campus Crusade (CRU)

What should I expect?

CRU has one large meeting once a week, and typically has smaller bible studies and adventures scheduled on other days of the week.

Large Group Meetings

The large group meeting is more passive, and has more of a worship service feel. Afterwards, there is always an after-activity. Be prepared for anything!

Small Groups

The small group meetings are with fewer people and are more intimate. These are the Bible Studies where you can really spend a lot of time praying, and digging deeper into God's Word.

What does CRU do best?

CRU is a great place for connecting with other Christians. I have made some of my closest friends through CRU, as well as met my *future* spouse. Go with the mindset of making lots and lots of friends!


CRU does offer opportunities to do missions work! If you are interested in traveling out of the country and volunteering, look no further! The CRU at my University went on a Missions trip to Guatemala where they did work building houses, and brought along water filters for local people.

3. His House

Apartment Life

If you want to surround yourself with Godly people in your home environment in college, then His House is for you! His House offers a “Guys House” and a “Girls House” where you can pay rent to live in an apartment with Christian gals, or Christian guys (it’s not co-ed).


One of my friends lived at the “Girls House” and told me that the retreats were really awesome and fun because you get to connect with other University students from across the state! I believe like any retreat you go to, there is most likely a fee.

Missions Work

His House is also involved in Missions Work, and I believe you must do a lot of the fundraising for your trip on your own. Depending on the University and the connections His House has, it depends on where you will be going.

Bible Studies

Just like CRU, His House has a larger meeting once a week, and smaller bible study meetings at various times throughout the week. There are also extracurricular activities, so be prepared!

4. Young Life

Working with Youth

My understanding of this campus ministry is that Christians are paired with Middle school and high schoolers and are able to share their faith with them. If you are interested in working with older kids in the local area, then this club is for you!

Bible Studies

Young Life offers training, and Bible Studies. It’s also a great way to meet new people who are also interested and passionate about helping kids! I attended a Young Life meeting once, and because it was a newer club, a lot of the meeting was spent talking about the logistics of what the club was going to do and look like, along with a Bible Study/Training Session.

There are many, many more Campus Ministries that I have not mentioned here, because these four are the only ones that I have experience with. Look on your college’s website and find the list of available clubs. Make phone calls, send emails, etc.!

In closing, just get involved, make friends, and grow in your relationship with Jesus!

Let's Talk!

What about you? Are you in college? Are you done? What was your experience with Campus Ministries like?


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