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Writer's pictureAnja

Hey there ladies: Let's talk about College and the Quarantine

Stressed with exams and deadlines coming up? Tired and worried about scholarships? Frustrated with your online classes? Feeling isolated? Alone? Lost your job? Big plans being cancelled? Feeling discouraged? Girl, I feel that. Just because classes are online now, doesn’t mean that school is any easier, or struggles any less hard. As a Christian college girl, I’ve come up with some helpful tips for connecting to God and others during the quarantine, as well as some tips for getting ready for college in the near future.

To those of you who are in college:

1. You’re almost there.

  • Just because we have more free time during the quarantine does not mean this is a time to slack off and not be diligent in our studies at school, and in God’s Word. Don’t get lazy! Read Christian literature, watch or listen to sermons or Christian podcasts, watch Christian YouTubers, read through that devotional you’ve been meaning to get through. You’ve got this (See Hebrews 12:1-3)!

2. Isolation doesn’t mean isolated

  • Don’t lose heart! Take this opportunity to shoot an email, or text to a friend you haven’t had a chance to talk to in a while to encourage them that God hasn’t forgotten them, and you haven’t either. More than likely, they need the encouragement, and so do you (See Deuteronomy 31:6)!

3. If you aren’t connected, find connection!

  • Find a Christian organization, and join their online meetings. More than likely, your college has a list of campus organizations on their website. At my small college alone, there are five to six Christian groups (See Matthew 18:20).

4. Use this time to witness

  • During this time, we have a chance to make an impact on other people's lives by witnessing to them because of a little bit more free time (See Matthew 28:16-20).

To those of you who are getting ready to go to college:

1. Make lemonade out of lemons.

  • Use this summer as an opportunity to pray about your future. It’s very clear that whatever plans we make are not our own. Here’s a quick list of things to consider praying about:

Finding a Church. 

Finding a Christian club. 

Meeting like-minded people in your classes. 

[Insert any worry about anything here (See 1 Thessalonians 5:17)]

2. Pick your battles with professors.

  • At some point in your College career, you are going to come across a professor that you do not like and do not agree with. The prophet Daniel was in a similar situation (see Daniel 1:1-18). During these trials, make sure to pray and ask God for wisdom like Daniel did.

3. Get involved in Christian college groups.

  • This is a great way to make friends, stay connected with Bible Studies, and learn about mentorship, and ministry opportunities (See Ephesians 4:12). Plus, it's a great way to have a ton of good, clean fun with a lot of wonderful people!

4. Guys are distractions.

  • Focus on being friends with boys first. While some girls chase after boys, and vice versa, stay grounded in God’s Word, and work on developing meaningful and Godly friendships with Godly young men. You’ll never regret being “just friends.” Bethany and Kristen do a great job of walking you through how to be “just friends” in their book Love Defined.

5. Stay organized so the trash doesn’t pile up on the inside and the outside.

  • Make sure to incorporate your quiet time, no matter how busy you may get! (See Hebrews 12:1-3) Staying organized is a great way to combat this issue. Prepare and make a plan the night before! Check out a recent post from Bethany Beal and Kristen Clark called Christian Girl’s Guide to Having Personal Devotions.

6. College is a great place to witness.

  • College is a rare opportunity to have many different people with various interests and backgrounds from all over the country (and world). Use this time as an opportunity to get to know people who are much different than yourself, and ask them about what they believe and why (See Matthew 28:16-20)!

Lastly, this is a time for Christians to grow closer to God.

Satan would love us to think that we are utterly alone, and would love for us to turn to ourselves, or other worldly desires. He would just love for us to think that we do not have any ability to grow in our faith during this time. If you look throughout scripture, there are numerous examples of how God’s church grew during times of trials. God never leaves us. Don’t forget that (See Zephaniah 3:17).

Some food for thought:

Are you feeling frustrated and discouraged? 
What could you be doing right now to bless others? 
What are you putting your trust in? 

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