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Writer's pictureAnja

Should Christians Watch Tiger King?

I was pursuing social media recently and I stumbled across a website that looked interesting. As a Christian, I am always looking for new resources to use, and collect to give to other Believers as encouragement. Of course, most of the time when I read something I agree with what the blog, article, or person is saying because they use scripture to back up their statements, and are clearly infused with Biblical Truths.

However, sometimes so-called “Christian” articles, websites, or people can promote wrong ideas under the guise of “Christian beliefs.”

In an article entitled Loving Our Tiger King Neighbors written by Karen Swallow Prior (I like to call her Karen) on a website called Think wrote an article defending why Christians SHOULD, you heard me correctly, SHOULD watch Netflix’s ever popular Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. (If you haven’t gotten the hint, I am extremely against any Christian watching this show. My worry is by talking about it, some of you will check it out, but let me inform you and urge you to not do so due to its immorality and disgusting nature of content.)

The article’s author says, “I suggest we watch Tiger King to help us better love our neighbors as ourselves, sometimes by extending them empathy and sometimes by holding them accountable for their destructive practices.”


Oh my goodness. Where to begin? May I begin by critiquing the article because it has no validity because of the lack of resources. Not once does the article mention outside sources, or even a single Bible verse to back up your opinions and claims. The writer uses a similar tactic Satan uses when trying to “make a point.”

Satan twists scripture or “Biblical truths.”

When Satan and Eve were in the garden of Eden, in Genesis Satan says, "Did God really say..." (Check out Genesis 3:1-7)

When Satan tempted Jesus, Satan misquoted scripture out of context to Jesus.

This is why God urges us in

It is so important for us to be infused in the word of God, so we know when we encounter a fake replica, we are able to point it out.

The logic behind this quote is pretty silly. First, this statement implies that we should be good pals with people who own tigers for a living, that it’s okay to accept disgustingly horrible and immoral lifestyles, and that all we need to do in order to better love our neighbors as ourselves is to just provide empathy. Where on earth does the Bible say that?

Overall, this article is a pathetic review and advertisement for Tiger King using the disguise of being a “Christian” perspective. Not once does Karen quote scripture directly.

I believe there are ways to develop empathy and accountability with others, but not through immersion into the world’s culture. God actually calls us to do the opposite. Romans 12:2 (NIV) says:

Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

In short, be critical when it comes to people making claims about Chistianity. Look at everything through the lens of the Bible.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? I would love to know!

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