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Writer's pictureAnja

Why Young People Leave Church: Part 5

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

It's a phase. God isn't real... just like the Tooth Fairy and Santa.

Unfortunately after Confirmation, some youth fall prey to this idea that God is on the same level as Santa and the Tooth Fairy. This atheistic view is because they have not been shown tangible and irrefutable scientific evidence that God exists.

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the alignment of Biblical history and history, and nature itself seems too perfect to have just happened by chance. I take this evidence within our world, as evidence for a living, loving God.

God must reach people where they are at. As Paul exhorts us in Ephesians,

A good place to go if you like museums is the Creation Museum in Kentucky.

One of my favorite authors of all time, C.S. Lewis, was an atheist before he became a Christian. He wrote a book called, Mere Christianity that I would recommend to those that are seeking the arguments behind Christianity.

Number five is a lot shorter than the rest because for me, it’s hard to not believe the existence of a God, or ignore the evidence presented because I grew up in a very Christian home. This is not the case for all kids. We need to challenge them. How do they know that God exists? What scientific proof is there? Again, apologetics need to be taught to strengthen their knowledge.

There are obviously no clear or definite answers, and I am by no means claiming to know how to fix them. What I am saying is that it’s the job of young adults in college, parents, teachers, pastors, and the older generations to teach and raise the kids within a church community. For some this may look like taking someone out to get ice cream. For others it may look like an invitation to a house party. For some it may be going to an event like a sports game or dance or music recital. Again, for others it may be helping do chores, like raking, or making a meal.

We live in a broken world. That is the bottom line. As long as we live here, we as a people will continue to struggle to survive. As the Body of Christ, we all have different strengths and weaknesses. We need to be investing time, energy and resources into our young ones. We need to bridge the gap of miscommunication and resentment. By God’s grace and love, and a ton of prayer, I believe we can do it. Not alone, but together.

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. -Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)

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